Countries visited on route from
Australia to Hawaii
June 2009 to August 2009

The advantages of returning to places we've been before is knowing where everything is and what is available to us. However it's like watching a movie or reading a book for the second time, we find things we missed the first time around.
Walking around Nukualofa TONGA, we came upon this small carving shop located along the main street where I spotted the most beautiful manta ray carving I now proudly own. My new carving

West cuts off a piece of this big chunk of wood and makes the most beautiful carvings in no time.

Large wood chunk

I put in a special order in for two dolphins which he proudly displays along with his wife and two beautiful little girls. He carved this for me within 24 hrs. He also told us he'd been in this spot for quite a few years. Funny I never spotted the shop when I was here last. I guess I wasn't looking to buy any carvings since we were on our way to New Zealand and I wasn't sure what we were allowed to bring into the Country.

I need off!!

Our second trip to Nukaolofa reminded us of the things that aren't always fun when it comes to cruising. Having to med-moore, which means tying stern lines to the wharf with an anchor at the bow, this makes it difficult to get to shore, and bringing fuel on board can be a real challenge especially when it's raining.

Getting fuel

Our favorite part of Tonga is the VAVA'U Island Group. Although Vava'u receives a lot of tourists, most of the anchorages were not crowded as we were ahead of the tourist season which we were told officially starts July 1st. There wasn't to be many changes other than a few more Americans owning businesses and a whole block of business destroyed by a fire.

Tongan Feast

A visit to Vava'u must include the Tongan Feast at Ano Beach. We remembered it quite well and wanted to make sure Paul got the chance to experience this great feast and dance performance put on by Tea (middle) and other local children from the nearby village.
(Look at those great smiles).

Young dancers
A wonderful gift

Before we left the feast I offered to put together a dvd for the children which I delivered to Maca's mom. I was rewarded when Maca met me at 7:00 the morning we were leaving to give me these beautiful tapa cloths as a thank you gift. Vava'u also has the most beautiful assortment of weaving in the South Pacific.

Proud lady & her beautiful baskets
Beautiful fish

It was great to return to Tonga especially the Vava'u Island Group which I absolutely recommend as a vacation destination. You can charter your own private yacht and enjoy the beautiful anchorages where you will find some of the best snorkeling in the South Pacific.

Up close and personal

There's more to see
Tonga 2009